Miracles in Channelview
HELLO EVERYBODY!!!! WOW WOW WOW! Channelview Texas is amazing and the Pine Trails ward is even MORE amazing! I have never met such loving and humble people in my entire life and I would not complain one bit if I stayed here for the rest of my mission! Lakeesha's baptism was on Saturday and it was B E A U T I F U L! She looked so so happy and she said she felt different as soon as she came out of the water. Her confirmation was Sunday during sacrament meeting and she was GLOWING! I love this lady with all my heart and I cannot wait to see where life takes her from here. Her two kids came to her baptism and they were so emotional! AGH if only I could capture the sweet spirit that was there and put it into words! As Bishop Partsch always says, "There are miracles happening in Pine Trails." HE IS SO RIGHT! The people here are so prepared to hear the gospel and it is such a blessing that I get to be a part of it! On Saturday, we went with a member to give food to this elderly ...
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