It’s 2022
These last two weeks have been a wild ride that's for sure but the work is still moving forward! We have been in quarantine since Saturday and our last day is Wednesday so we are finding creative ways to contact and find! Here is a little update on the work here in Island Park...oh I mean Livingston🤪
David is SO awesome you guys! The last few lessons we have had with him are super super special and the Spirit is always super strong with him. We invited him to spiritually prepare himself for next time we come over and you made the WORLD of a difference. The TV wasn't on when we got there and the house was silent. David had the Spirit there before we even got there. It was that much stronger and it was an incredible feeling. There were tears from everyone as we were talking about the Restoration and how important it is. He is going through some really hard trials in his life and he said, "I just really hope they find Christ and get their lives on the right path." This is coming from a man who has gone through abuse, a huge motorcycle accident, and many other things and yet he is wishing the best for people. David is incredible you guys and please keep him in your prayers.
The next girl we are teaching is Jasmine and she is the cutest! She is 14 and is absolutely soaking everything up! She went to Young Womens for the first time this last week and LOVED it! She also came to church last Sunday in her sparkly boots and was so happy to be there. It has been special to see the gospel change her in a positive way. When we first met her, she was super shy and wasn't super talkative. NOW, she talks so much and we have the best friendship with her. The gospel truly blesses everyone and it is so special to see it help people overcome things they are going through!
I am going to be honest here, this week has been a bit of a bumpy one! I have had a hard time with feelings of inadequacy and not feeling I am enough. One small thing happens after another and Satan doubles it and makes it seem like your life is over. He is really good at what he does and wants nothing more than us to feel miserable like he is. I was on my knees a lot this week asking Heavenly Father to comfort me and help me get through this. The strange thing is...I wasn't receiving an answer and I wasn't feeling any different. I was getting a little frustrated but kept pushing forward nonetheless. conference came. You guys, Heavenly Father's timing is perfect and sometimes He makes us wait. Everything that was talked about was exactly what I needed to hear. We are all going to be inadequate, we are imperfect and without Jesus Christ we will never reach that perfection we desire. This reminder was simple but strong. He feels all of our pains and sorrows but since He has felt it He knows how to help us exactly. The Spirit was so strong that whole meeting in the way of Heavenly Father reminding me that sometimes we have to wait. Sometimes He lets us struggle so when the blessings come, we know exactly where it came from and are able to recognize them!
This gospel is so special and I don't know what I would do without the comfort it brings in my life! Jesus Christ is so real and we all have a Heavenly Father who loves us perfectly. PERFECTLY! The Book of Mormon is so powerful and read it everyday you guys! It helps with every thing I promise! I love you guys so much and I love hearing from you! Your support means so much and you guys strengthen me! Thank you for your testimonies! Keep being awesome and always remember you are loved!🤍🤍
-Sister Henderson
1. it came back negative no worry but I still gotta quarantine☠
3. I became a biking missionary this week and it was SO FUN GUYS!!!
4. Exposing myself with curly hair in humidity...
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