Livingston is AMAZING!
hello everyone!!!!
here I am! yes, still here but these weekly emails have turned more into monthly or transfer emails! I will try to be better at updating yall more because man so much has been going on and missionary work gets better and better!!!
I am still here in Livingston and it is my third transfer here! Sadly, transfers are next week and there is a chance I could leave but if I stayed here there would be ZERO complaints!!!! I am training a new missionary and her name is Sister McCray! She is from Snowflake Arizona and she is so fun! New missionaries bring such a light into the mission and I am so grateful for the examples they are to ME!!!!
A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to take sweet Jasmine to the temple along with other recent converts and returning members!!! The font was busting at the seams and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed! Everyone dressed in white, the Spirit always present, and the work we were doing was just incredible. They let us do baptisms as well and the ward from my last area was there so there were hugs all around! The gospel is a world wide family and I am grateful for the eternal relationships I am building here!!!!!
In the past, we really have struggled finding in this area but our work is finally paying off!!!! The influence and power of the Spirit is so real because we have had so much success finding those who are prepared for the resotored gospel! I made a goal to talk to EVERYONE while we were out knocking doors and there is a power in that too!!! Give it everything you got and the Lord will bless you for it!!! I still have peole who make fun of my "accent" I have which is a little weird but they get a hoot out of it! Last week we knocked on this door and the lady peeked her head back in her house and said, "Pam come listen to this!!! She is from Idaho!"☠ I was laughing so hard it was pretty funny!!!!! I guess I have an accent! COOL!!!!!
I have absolutely loved my mission and as I am coming up close on being a missionary for a year, I cannot imagine myself being anywhere else. I feel like I say that a lot but it's true! The love I have grown for my Savior, the Church, and everyone I have come to know has made my heart grow more and more. I have recentlly developed such a DEEP LOVE for the scriptures! I'll admit...I was NOT very good at reading my scriptures back home and there is so much in those pages!!!! I wish I would have been better!!!! They are filled with answers and my mind has been blown at the sympolism, love, and truth that flows through them! You guys, make it a daily habit to study your scriptues! There is so much power in them and even though we may not understand everything they are saying, the Spirit will always witness to us that the things we are reading are true!!!! I can promise you that!!! I would love to hear everyone's favorite verse in the scriptues and why! Ready, set, go!!:)
I hope everyone has the best week ever and I am so excited for this Easter season! It truly is a time to reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ and everything He has done for us. Everything is possible because of Him and we should emulate His light wherever we go! God bless you all!!!!
alsoooooo SHOUT OUT TO MY BROTHER FOR GETTING HIS MISSION CALL!!!!!!! Vacouver Washing baby and speaking SPANISH!!!!!! Can't believe it's his time to serve!!!!!🥲 Can't imagine how you feel mom!!!!!
-sister henderson🤍🤸♀️😊🍔🤟🥦
also I went fishing today and I of course didn't catch a single fish but I caught a turtle in the road on the way home!!!!🐢
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